20 ジュセリーノによる世界の未来の予測

20 ジュセリーノによる世界の未来の予測




1)2011/2022年— 2011年3月11日、本州の地震の震源である日本で発生したリヒタースケール9.0の地震と、20フィート(6 m)にも及ぶ巨大な津波が発生します。 、3万人以上の死者を出した。福島の原子力発電所は2011年に爆破したでしょう。津波は、日本で発生する可能性のある9.0の新しい地震により、2022年まで日本国を襲う可能性が非常に高いです。預言者は、多くの手紙を大学や日本の当局に送り、人々の命を救うよう努めたと語った。







3)2018年— 2018年のブラジルの選挙は、ブラジルの大統領としてJair
Messias Bolsonaroによって占領されます。
4)2023年—いくつかのアフリカ諸国では摂氏58度まで気温が上昇する可能性があります。これは、きれいな水の深刻な不足が起こっている場合と同じです。聴覚の初めの数値は、信じられないほどですが、実際には早い段階で2023年5月、アフリカの周辺地域によれば、ギリシャとトルコの気温は摂氏51度に達する一方、イラクとアラビア半島の主要首都は、気温が摂氏53度から56度という高温を要求します。夏の最高気温が発生する可能性があります。 5月上旬だけの気温は高かったので、2023年以降は地球温暖化がますます激しくなり、多くのアフリカ諸国の気温では想像し難い記録を印刷することが可能と考えられます。



7)2026年—鳥インフルエンザH5NI / H1N1型が正式に人類を攻撃し始め、2028年までに約700万人がこのウイルスにより死亡する。特徴は予測だけではなく、2026年に「不便な真実、ハリケーン、そして米国のサンフランシスコで発生した大地震」というタイトルの元副大統領アルゴアによる本のタイトル、「ビッグワン」と呼ばれる他の典型的な例など、ジュセリーノルスを予測している。

8)2024年/ 2039年—干ばつの季節の間に火事場のフィールドが拡大し、砂漠化が始まり、2031年から2039年の間にアマゾンのジャングルが一部消え、空は6倍になり濃い霧と呼ばれる黒い雲になる天候のため。


11)2038年—西インド諸島からのバハマ島(カリブ海の島の近くのクラスター)、1から11月25日の間、2038年は火山の噴火、地震により巨大な波が発生する可能性があります。約80メートルもの高さの津波は、カリブ海、米国本土、ブラジルなどの海を一掃します。他の人も、本土の15〜20 kmまで深く襲います。津波が襲う前に、海水は6メートルもの深さまで後退し、多くのカメも動き始めます。



13)2030年— 11月中旬、世界の平均気温は摂氏59度に達する可能性が高く、熱で死ぬ人が多く、世界の混乱はさらに悪化しています。

14)2175年— 101955 2175年から2199年の間に地球に影響を与える可能性のあるベンヌの確率

15)年— 2032年から2039年までジャカルタ-インドネシアは首都を変更する必要があります。なぜなら、この場所は日々沈んでおり、2039年まで深刻な問題や合併症が発生する可能性があるからです。





19)2020年/ 2042年—日本のオリンピックはコロナウイルスの影響により2020年に延期される—そして東京はその地面の持続可能性によりスイスチーズのようであり、2042年にいくつかの悪影響が起こり得ることを忘れない;そして当局は細心の注意を払わなければならない、地質調査を行い、近くの2042年にその影響を検出しました。



20)年— 2033/2034占いジュセリーノルスは、氷河期の到来後の気象異常についても正しく予測されたと述べており、そのうちの1つは2009年以降、ヨーロッパの高温に起こったものであり、警告状になっています。 2001年10月29日付けのジュセリーノ予報:警報地球が反撃し、気温の上昇によりフランス、ドイツ、ポルトガルで数万人が死亡、この災害は2033年と2034年に発生する可能性があります。
現実には、2009年のヨーロッパの夏の気温はピークに達し、約35千人が熱を失いました。フランスとドイツでは最も深刻な被害者であり、犠牲者はフランスで14,000 人もの住民、ドイツでは約7000人が亡くなりました。

ジュセリーノの予測では、世界的な冷却の状態の後の2027年には、年々新しい氷河期が始まることも証明されているようです。この予測の内容を詳しく説明します。爆風が大きすぎて火事になったため、米国の火山イエローストーンパークが噴火し始めました。なぜ溶岩と煙がカンザス、ネブラスカ、モンタナなどの1600 kmまで四方に広がるのでしょうか。火山が再び噴火し、新しい氷河期が生まれた後、大災害に見舞われました。



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20 Forecasting ( predictions ) the future of the world by Jucelino

20 Forecasting the future of the world by Jucelino

Águas de Lindóia  , 06  de abril  de 2010


Jucelino Nobrega da Luz is Brazilian, catholic (and spiritualist to worship) born in 1960, when this profession was school teacher, writer, environmentalist, speaker, activist, prophet, and made healing application that he had assisted more than 2 million of people, and 60% had got their diseases miraculously cured, and desires came out to real, and Jucelino Luz  lives a simple life, he is a very ordinary city dwellers.

That he foretold events with dates, month, year incidence of a major disaster and are equipped with clear instructions, in addition, the predictions, forecasts Jucelino always publicize events with dates and events, asking sometimes for certified notary bureau state or postal service, making it easier for others to do the examination. Some documentscopy expert.,  crime experts , and  forensic expert analyzed his letters and said that there is no doubt about the credibility of them.

Here there are some predictions about the future of the world in the near term is primarily associated with global warming:

1) Year 2011/2022 — On March 11, 2011, it will occur on the Richter scale 9.0 earthquake in Japan, the source of the earthquake in Honshu, along with a giant tsunami that would occur as high as 20 feet ( 6 m), causing more than 30 thousand of deaths. And Nuclear Plant in Fukushima would have blown up in 2011. Tsunamis are very likely to sweep the Japanese land  as well until the year 2022,by  a new  earthquake of  9.0  that  possibly  can happen there . The prophet  told  he  sent many letters to University  , and  authorities  in Japan  to try to save  people´s  lives .



2) Year 2022 — will be a big economic collapse for China, to economic crisis and unable to issue insurance funds and pension schemes, so that the people in the capital city and the prison revolt. But before on December 31 of 2019, there will have Coronavirus -Covid19, that will spread all over the world and some countries are to destroy Presidents and Prime Minister, and create an economic crisis —



that virus will be leaking from Hospital Labor in Wuhan and a doctor will visit a fair of exotic animals to eat, and there will start to spread, but in part of the world will be spreading by test tubes of labor experiments to cause panic and fear in the world. It will kill more than 300 thousand people all over the world.


3) Year 2018 —  The Brazilian election in 2018 will be occupied by Jair Messias Bolsonaro as President of Brazil ;

4) Year 2023 — Temperature several African countries are likely to increase until 58°Celsius, the same will be happening a severe shortage of clean water., the numbers at the beginning of hearing as if it's hard to believe, but in reality in early May 2023, according to the surrounding regions of Africa, the temperature in Greece and Turkey will be reaching 51 degrees Celsius, while the main capitals of Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula will ask the high temperature in the temperature of 53°— 56°Celsius, the highest temperature in summer is possible to happen. The temperature of the beginning of May alone was so high, can be conceiving in the year 2023 up will be increasingly severe global warming, temperatures in many African countries it is possible to print a record of hard to imagine.


5) Year 2025/2026 — old letters of Jucelino Luz Research methods in cancer healing working successfully, but other new diseases will emerge as coronavirus, and Marburg virus will become an epidemic in 2025 in Madrid Spain and Serbia, and can come out a pandemic in 2026 outbreak;


6) Year 2036/2038 — Outbreaks of the deadly poison would appear, called  (Herus) (red.: literal translation, not necessarily accurate) that cause loss of immunity, when contracting the disease within four hours going to die, around 73 million in the world, and it can come out between 2036 and 2038 ;


7) Year 2026 — Avian influenza type H5NI / H1N1 officially began attacking the human race, until the year 2028 there are around 7 million people will die because of this virus. Characteristic not only forecasts predict Jucelino Luz, such as the title of the book by Al Gore, former vice president, titled An Inconvenient Truth, hurricanes, And major earthquake in San Francisco, USA, in 2026 called The Big One and the other typical examples.


8) Year 2024/2039 — The expansion of fields of fire area during the season drought, desertification starts, between the years 2031 to 2039 the Amazon jungle will part disappear, 6 times the sky turns into a black cloud, referred to as dense fog because of the weather.

9) Year 2043 — The spread of infectious diseases, drought, floods, storms, hurricane, of mankind became extinct part of at least 80% until 2043 if nothing is done to avoid those serious problems ;


10) Year 2033  —  Research for methods of healing diseases other than cancer, brain tumors otherwise managed. I myself (Jucelino Luz) had discovered for herbals to treat slung diseases — as influenza, H1N1, H5N1, Coronavirus, and lung cancer — but it needs some donations to pay researches and labor to make the proof necessaries ; The  evidence  also  depends of labor  tests and so on….(  if  you would  like to help , please contact  the address  below  )


11) Year 2038 — Bahama Island from West Indies islands (cluster near the Caribbean islands), between 1 to November 25 2038 can have huge waves due to volcanic eruption, an earthquake, it also might happen after the tsunami giant setting 150 meters, the tsunami waves as high as approximately 80 meters will sweep the sea of the Caribbean, the mainland USA, Brazil and others are also going to hit deep into the mainland up to 15-20 km. Before the tsunami struck, the seawater will recede as deep as six meters, many turtles are also going to start moving.


Jucelino at the time predicted by dogs and cats will find no major disaster strikes, those would have fled from their homes, 24 hours before leaving their location will show signs of unusual movement, therefore we can base on these observations make it as standard.


12) Year 2036 — Small asteroid slowly approaching and there is the possibility of colliding with Earth, the existence of this small asteroid about the problems arising from the sinking of the influence of mankind on earth.


13) Year 2030 — Mid-November the world's average temperature likely to reach 59°Celsius, there are many people who die from the heat, thus the confusion of the world just getting worse.


14) Year 2175 —  101955 Bennu chance of impacting Earth between 2175 and 2199


15) Year — 2032 to 2039 Jakarta -Indonesia must change the capital because this place is sinking day by day and until 2039 can have serious problems and complications there.


16) Year 2025 — The climatology experts will have to prepare for many disasters of flooding, strong hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, and tornadoes in the USA, and part of Asia as well.


17) Year 2036 — There will have a huge earthquake in San Francisco in June 16  of  2036, referred to as “The Big One”, a large fracture of the San Andreas Fault can be damaged, the state of California can be destroyed, many volcanic craters would be open again, the height of the tsunami can exceed 150 meters.


From the warning forecast for the future, other than as described above predictions, there is still more startling predictions people last warns that can be delivered is up to the year 2043 by Jucelino Luz


18) Year 2043 — the world population can be reduced drastically, there are about 80% of the population perished in the disaster if nothing is done to stop the climate changes ;


19) Year 2020 /  2042 — Olympic Games in Japan will be postponed in 2020 due to coronavirus effects — and remember that Tokyo is like Swiss cheese by its ground sustainability and in 2042 some bad effects can happen there ;and  authorities must  have a meticulous attention, and  do geological surveys to detect the effects of it in 2042 nearby.


Jucelino Although clearly confirm exactly when it will be happening, sometimes change some points but not the things. When writers read a piece of prophecy Jucelino Luz, in the mind instantly thought of message, and literal translation, yet accurate.


However, according to forecasts epicenter in his prophecy is very closed successfully.


But the problem is the government's position, the only important advance guard, with only prioritize the success of the initial sight and then ignore the more frequent, possibly against the lack of anticipation is very high.

The government is probably going to adjust the situation and the condition would limit the news, and new block the initial earthquake event is predicted for both domestic and foreign press, such an act would create an absolute disaster as predicted worse.

In the warning letter, Jucelino said: it is not done yet a good protection against disaster to save civil society, can bring very severe losses.


20) Year — 2033/2034 Divination Jucelino Luz also mentions the arrival of the ice age afterward was also correctly predict about the weather anomaly, one of which, in the year 2009 and up happened to the hot temperatures in Europe, in a warning letter dated October 29, 2001, Jucelino forecast: alarm earth would strike back, the increase in temperature France, Germany and Portugal caused tens of thousands of people killed, this disaster can happen in 2033 and 2034.

The reality, summer temperatures in Europe in 2009 reached its peak, there were approximately 35 thousand people dead heat. In France and Germany among the most severe, the victim was killed in France as many as 14 000 inhabitants, in Germany around 7000 people.


Carefully look at the forecast Jucelino Luz, global warming becoming increasingly rising, until the year 2023 the temperature in the African countries can perhaps achieve 58°Celsius disturbing people, along with it also can occur severe water shortage after the temperature will also be the more increased, 2035 Earth's average temperature can reach 59°Celsius, many people will die from the heat, the fear of humanity will increase very fast.

If really happen like that, of course, can result in drought and shortage of food supply and causing tension between countries, Jucelino also predicted the year 2031 can be a shortage of water will cause a new outbreak of the war, about this war he does not foresee in detail, but felt that rather than a simple border war.

However, the symptoms of this warming is happening now instead of like the weather experts considered that very warming, but jump drastically.

But warming also seems absolutely happen continuously, after global warming, have been waiting for symptoms turned into freezing. As long as global temperatures rise so dramatically, the island of Greenland and south poles will be no ice in large enough quantities to melt, it is absolutely inevitable, as a result of ocean circulation becomes weak so that turned into a cooling effect, drove as fast as lightning, that it would change there was a birth of a new ice age.

In Jucelino forecast seems also proved that in the year 2027 after a state of global cooling, still more will be facing a new ice age starting year by year. Detail the contents of this prediction: volcano Yellow Stone Park in the United States began to erupt, because the blast was so large that the fire. Why lava and smoke will spread in all directions as far as 1600 km, such as Kansas, Nebraska, and Montana, etc., would have suffered major disasters, after the volcano erupted again be born a new ice age.

The eruption of the volcano is not only happening in Yellow Stone Park, but in all places in the world can also occur, therefore exhausts have been blotted out the sun, the more general circulation of ocean currents stops the symptoms has stimulated the formation of global cooling.


Al Gore received the Nobel Prize for peace received a letter of Jucelino Luz, As you may know, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore's attempt to study the problems of global warming, a famous essay which made his film An Inconvenience Truth, even Oscar has also received a gift, so many people greeted with bitter problems global warming

Al Gore, who moved to the silver screen. Surely, in 19 years ago, namely in 1988, Jucelino already had him advised, the story was published in the magazine edition of the Moon 6, the end of May prior to publication, the chief editor told the author during this research, I also feel surprised to stunned for a moment.

According to a letter to Al Gore's prediction that when it served as a member of Congress who sent a post in 1988 by Jucelino already had written to Al Gore, from the years 1993 to 2001 he served as vice president would be the Clinton administration, later will try to persevere toward activities that protect the environment on earth, while also going with a famous essay book titled An Inconvenience Truth, in a letter written in English that, Jucelino also mentions the exact title of his book.

Besides these predictions in the letter also notified the activities of Al Gore is going to be recognized and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Jucelino prediction capability, we can not deny.

Time given to mankind was not left much, started in December 2007, a black cloud over the world will be spread throughout.


Jucelino forecast, if the human race we still maintain today's state, humanity from the year 2008 – 2043 will undergo a full day of fear, the early signs before a disaster happens, the sky around the world will be covered with a black cloud

Always feel for catastrophic disasters that would happen by the world in the future, including the movement of weather and the outbreak of war, disasters strived to be, it still happens, also when changing the scope into a small, end of year 2007 and 2020 is the ultimate limit of the human race begin a new conscience. Jucelino crave the end of the year 2020 the world would be a major change of consciousness.

The seriousness of the situation was so urgent, but if we humans still retain obstinate indifference and numbness, Jucelino warns mankind about the future of a dark and light prophecy, as if it was going to happen continuously.

We must be aware of everyone, all the more must be aware of destruction so severe, either in person, group, state level, maintaining their respective work station, acting with actual movement, because the last line will arrive.

Without faith minimal absolute power cannot be equated, meaning no power is no matter how much nobody paid garner no force will be formed, while the minimal effort, if the number of people who collected more and more, it can change the more powerful energy.

Let's say starting from the self of each person, although the energy a person is weak, but we can affect several millions and even tens of millions of people, determining a mighty force that can be formed to change the big disaster in the future. Our future is our challenge — and by faith, union, with good attitudes and actions we can have a new world full of joy, happiness, and light to share together.


Mario Ronco  Filho   -   investigative  journalist 


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Energizing and meditation to eliminate the diseases that are in our lives today.

Energizing and meditation to eliminate the diseases that are in our lives today.



On line ( or distant ) can pass work (fluid therapy) takes place after the energetic union of people from all parts of the world, with different themes related to the gospel, and specific issues related to the triple aspect of spirituality - science, philosophy and religion - contextualized with the current affairs
This pass is the transmission of physical and psychic energies, through the laying on of hands by mediums. Also the elevation of magnetic waves on your body protecting you from external problems. It helps fluid renewal to better face material and spiritual difficulties, dispensing with any physical contact in its application.
The purpose of the pass is spiritual assistance, which will manifest itself in the mental and physical rehabilitation of those who today face difficulties with the corona - Viruses and other illnesses and those who seek treatment for diseases of the body and soul there.
This spiritual treatment through passes administered by the medium through the unification of energies bringing physical effects and spiritual elevation.
On this next Friday, April 3, 2020, we will get up early, as usual, to do a 15-minute meditation, all focused on eliminating global energy negativity, we will not be connected at least one day, in the waves of negative news that they run around the world, asking together that this inopportune virus disappear, with great faith, in the name of our creator.
At that moment, put a glass of drinking water next to it and say your morning prayer, then take a sip of that water, for each member of your family, in faith and dedication to the Lord Almighty God.
The healing for spiritual illnesses is the work of the Holy Spirit
For a disease to be treated, it is necessary to find out, through exams, what caused it. Once the problem has been diagnosed, the medications necessary to restore body health are applied.


Our spiritual life goes through this same process. Often, our souls are contaminated by spiritual illnesses that, little by little, rob us of peace and unbalance us spiritually, moving us away from the path of holiness and leading us to sin.
Faced with this reality, it is necessary to diagnose which spiritual diseases are making our souls sick. However, in order for the correct medication to have the desired effect, it is necessary to name those diseases.
And what are spiritual illnesses?
Gluttony, Avarice, Lust, Wrath
They are all in the world today, we need to treat them immediately.
The healing of spiritual illnesses is a process of inner change, which takes place with the help of the Holy Spirit, the doctor of souls.
In this particular energization, we ask you, forgiveness, to quickly eliminate the coronavirus from humanity, which today is fearful, panicked, fragile - ask for your intercession. On behalf of the higher forces of the Spiritual Universe
- Let it be so, Amen
Professor Jucelino Luz

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ただし、この情報は2007年にすでにJucelino Luzによって報告されており、ポルトガル、イギリス、ブラジルの当局およびドイツの当局に渡されました。
この容疑者の場合、あなたはすでに少女に対する犯罪で有罪判決を受けており、すでに長い刑を宣告されている性的捕食者であると疑われていますが、Madeleine MCcannの犯罪とは何の関係もありません。
過去に発生した何千ものリードと潜在的な容疑者のうち、この警察だけでなく、Jucelino Luzの情報からもそれほど明確なものはありませんでした。
失踪により、ヨーロッパ各地で警察が大規模な捜査を行った。調査の費用も莫大です。 2011年以来、1100万ポンド(約R 7000万ドル)が費やされました。




















Madeleine McCann - the case was predicted by Jucelino Luz


British girl Madeleine McCann, who disappeared in Portugal in 2007 in a case of great repercussion in Europe, has been dead since 2007, according to Jucelino Luz
The case has already become a soap opera and full of assumptions.
A German is being investigated as a murder suspect, they said. The suspect, known in the German press as Christian B, is already serving a prison sentence for another crime - BUT, Jucelino Luz says that person has nothing to do with the crime - although he was in the Praia da Luz region in Portugal, where Madeleine was on vacation with her family when she disappeared.
German police are asking the public for help in solving the case, after announcing details about the new suspect, who has nothing to do with this crime, says Jucelino Luz
"We are assuming that the girl is dead," said Braunschweig city prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters.
However, this information was already reported by Jucelino Luz in 2007, passed to authorities in Portugal, England, Brazil and authorities in Germany.
In the case of this suspect, you are suspected of being a sexual predator who has already been convicted of crimes against girls and who is already serving a long prison sentence, however, nothing to do with the crime of Madeleine McCann.
Jucelino affirms that the suspect was living regularly in the Portuguese region of the Algarve between 1995 and 2007, being employed in the food sector. But he was also caught stealing and dealing drugs - but he did nothing for the girl in this case (Maddie)
Three policemen investigate
Of the thousands of leads and potential suspects that have arisen in the past, there has never been anything so clear from not only this police, but also from Jucelino Luz's information ”.
British police, who are working with European colleagues, said they still treat the case as "disappearance", as there is no concrete sign that Madeleine is alive or dead.
On the day of Madeleine's disappearance, the suspect transferred the Jaguar to someone else's name, which is normal, anyone could do that.
Madeleine disappeared shortly after her fourth birthday at her apartment in Praia da Luz, on the night of May 3, 2007, when her parents were with friends at a nearby bar.
The disappearance caused a huge police hunt in different parts of Europe. The cost of the investigation is also enormous. Since 2011, over 11 million pounds (about R $ 70 million) have been spent.

The joint appeal made by police in Germany, Portugal and the UK includes a £ 20,000 reward for information that helps convict the suspect.
Police said the current suspect was one of 600 people investigated at the beginning, but that he had been ruled out at that time.
Once again, with all due respect, I don't know if it is to deviate from the subject, but the real criminal (or criminals) lives in Britain and not in Germany, or anywhere in the world - to conclude, Jucelino Luz said, that Maddie (Madeleine) was not kidnapped, it was not for sexual or organ reasons. And yes, it was due to excessive medication and a family accident at the hotel, where the family was staying.
They run after something that does not exist, the precise information has already been sent to all authorities - they ignore it because, perhaps, they do not want to find the real criminals - but it has already been passed on to them. It is not an accusation, but a revelation of the Holy Spirit.
Mario Ronco Filho - Journalist

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See also information on the Jucelino Luz website:



Listen  and read  this  below  with attention:


Our project is voluntary and needs your help!

We do not accept the idea that has been spreading lately. We believe that we do need material resources to maintain quality work in a world that is materialistic, but according to what the Bible teaches and allows us, we do not need to explore anyone, but we have Social work, humanitarian aid, protection of the environment, world warnings, sending letters, help in finding missing persons, spiritual guidance in spiritual treatments (without dispensing your doctor), energetic application, contribution to humanity, alertness to humanity in a new awareness. Without committing crimes to raise funds for our goal. And our main goal is to always be transparent and that is Professor Jucelino Luz's unique purpose - which we always support.

Every day we have reached thousands of people with the teaching of the Word and the way of God, and this work generates time and a very high cost. We have development, maintenance, and maintenance costs for the websites and applications we manage.

Some advertisements help to fund the project, but they are not enough. In addition, we very much hope that one day we will not depend on any kind of advertising. But this will only be possible if our readers contribute voluntarily.

You will be able to help us maintain this project with a small monthly contribution that will certainly not be missed. Part of this contribution will be used to cover our costs and the other part will go to missionary maintenance.

To help us with your voluntary offer, just choose the option below .:

Paypal: jucelinoluz1@gmail.com

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プレス法-法5250/67 | 1967年2月9日の法律第5,250号












論文。 20.犯罪と定義された事実を偽装して誰かを中傷する:















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